Monique Mémet Doctoral WorkshopMonique Mémet Doctoral WorkshopUniversity Lumière Lyon II March 20th, 2025 Spurred on by the success of the Doctoral GERAS Workshop since its launch in 2011, the organising committee has decided to continue this initiative for the 46th GERAS Symposium. We welcome communication proposals from PhD students whose research covers the following topics:
This workshop offers PhD students the possibility to present and discuss, receive feedback, and exchange comments and views on their doctoral research with an attentive audience of pairs and researchers, including their PhD supervisors. Each presentation lasts for 20 minutes and is followed by a Q&A session. The questions can cover practical or methodological aspects of the research undertaken, as well as those related to scientific publication or in anticipation of a PhD defense. A round table concludes this workshop. It is led by a teacher-researcher from GERAS and provides an opportunity for students to discuss their PhD journey and its prospects, either in academic or professional fields. Participants are invited to submit questions and suggest topics that they would like to see addressed during this time. Submit your proposal on the website with the following elements:
Only complete submissions will be considered by the organising committee. Submit before: 31 December 2024 on the website Notification of acceptance: 22 January 2025 at the latest Contact : Organising committee :
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